We loooooove a frozen drink and have a freezer full of fruit. Nothin’ is nicer than peaches and bourbon, so this is a tropical take on that classic pairing. You can zhush it up with some lovely bitters and flavored syrup, but it is also still tasty and refreshing in a more basic form.
“To Peach Their Own”
2 oz. bourbon (we like Old Grand-Dad Bonded here)
1 cup sliced frozen peaches
1/2 oz. cinnamon syrup (or simple syrup)
1 cup pebble ice
5 dashes Bittermens Elemakule Tiki Bitters (sub Angostura if you prefer)
Add all ingredients into a blender and blend on high until smooth and and slushy consistency. If necessary, pop it back into the freezer for a few minutes to firm up. Sip & enjoy!